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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4th

So it's Independence Day. Let's see...1776 to 2007, thats what, 231 years? So, 231 years ago, the American Colonies told the British Empire to fuck off. And the world may never be the same.

A quick look at things. The Continental Congress made it's first motion for independence a month earlier and the vote was taken on July 2, not July 4. (They worked on the wording for a bit) Also, we didn't achieve independence until around 1781, when Cornwallis surrendered to the combined American and French forces at Yorktown, which led to peace negotiations culminating in the Treaty of Paris (I think) on September 3, 1783. I often wonder why we don't remember Sep 3, not July 4.

Still, July 4 was the date on the document and it was the beginning of a great thing. July 4 rev erberates thru history, literally. (July 4 is a big date for America nearly a 100 years later during the Civil War, when Lee is turned back at Gettysburg and Grant takes Vicksburg, along with control of the Mississippi River.) Interesting coincidence, huh? I may research and find out what else happened on July 4. Anyway, people all over the world know july 4 and what it represents. And even to our enemies, the date must bring a thrill, for it speaks of freedom.

Independence, freedom, democracy, equality. These are the ideals which mark the American Nation. No, we don't always live up them, but when you reach that high, even failure accomplishes quite a bit. We're at a low point right now, but we've been there before and we've always bounced back. We'll do it again.

We started something big. When we got started, our status as a democracy made us nearly unique, and now, hundreds of nations practice democracy, and the growth continues. Mistakes are being made, and the cost is huge, but we have a chance now, to see democracy take place in places where you would not have thought it possible a couple decades ago. Along with our friends and allies, we have a chance at a world where freedom, democracy and human rights are the rule, not the exception. If we can make it-and I think we can-we're gonna leave a world for our grandchildren that surpasses the wildest dreams of even the most optimistic of our founding fathers.

First, tho, we gotta get rid of Bush.

A brief aside here. Even tho England and America fought 2 bitter wars at the very beginning, we've been fast friends ever since, standing side by side in several large wars. Muskets and cannon fire couldn't hide the fact that our nations share many common ideals, human rights, freedom, peace and a commitment to face evil where we find it. We're squabbling a bit now, but it don't mean a thing. If something or someone threatens one of us, then, like a brother, the other one will leap to lend aid. You're just gonna have to get used to it, we LIKE each other.

That's all for now!

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